Author: Inoue Takehiko
Status: Ongoing
The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit. Note: Received the Excellence Award at the 5th Japan Media Arts Festival in 2001.
Author: Panyakawa
Status: Completed
That stupid Doujima, he's always sitting next to me with that blank expression, but he's gotta have all kinds of dirty thoughts, right? One thing leads to another, and...wait, me?! N-no, I wasn't thinking... shut up you dummy!
Author: Riko Amaebi
Status: Completed
A stalker? A pervert? No, no. I'm just a college boy who is single-mindedly in love with someone. It's just. I live my life wearing a paper bag on my head. People look at me strangely on campus. Even though he's extremely timid, he abruptly confessed his love and pushing forward! The girl he confessed to, Umi-chan, took it by surprise! And soon an unexpected turn of events is about to happen…?! A series of weird but lovely, super cute romantic comedy
Author: Oshioshio
Status: Ongoing
No one knows Torako used to be a delinquent. All of her classmates only know her as the perfect student. But everything changes when Nokotan, a transfer student with antlers, enters her life. Antlers aren’t the only thing strange about Nokotan. Her deer nose can sniff out Torako’s secret past! Whether it’s at school or the zoo, chaos follows this doe-eyed girl’s every step. Torako has so many questions! Is Nokotan a deer, a girl, or something in-between?Fun Fact : -Author is illustrator for 天音かなた: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCZlDXzGoo7d44bwdNObFacg Vtuber -Because of that, Physical copies on Amazon store soldout in 1st day
Author: Saruwatari Tetsuya
Status: Completed
This is a mixed martial arts fighting manga about the Miyazawa school of martial arts. Initially, it is about Kiichi trying to heal his father after he was nearly killed by his brother Kiryu. But then it goes on to be less about that as his father recovers and some tournament style fighting begins. At that point various apparently overwhelming opponents will encounter Kiichi on his way to the top. The objectives of the various characters start to play a more and more important role, as well as the different philosophical projections of several martial arts and disciplines. (Somewhat maybe like a modern day Samurai story.)This is also a continuation of Koukou Tekkenden Tough which followed the main character, Kiichi, when he was younger and was training under his father Seiko Miyazawa. (Knowing the prequel isn't necessary at all.)
Author: Higa Aloha
Status: Ongoing
Shirokuma Café revolves around the everyday lives of a group of animals mingling with humans at a cafe run by a polar bear named Shirokuma-kun. His animal friends include Panda-kun, a lazy but well-meaning panda bear; Penguin-san, a sharp-tongued penguin; and Grizzly-san, a grizzly bear with a wild personality.
Author: Shirahama Kamome
Status: Ongoing
A girl in a small village. Coco always wanted to be a wizard. But those who can not use magic since birth can not become wizards, so she had given up her dream of becoming a wizard. However, one day, a magician visited the village. This is the story of despair and hope that visited the girl.
Author: Ooshima Rintarou
Status: Ongoing
A legendary assassin found the light of life. It was an underground idol!Endo Owal is the most powerful assassin in the Fujisan-kai, a huge black market organization. He was feared as a "killing machine" because of his ruthless work and overwhelming fighting power, but one day he decides to retire. The reason for his decision was to live his life proudly with Kaorin of the underground idol Ro~Xesia.Can a man covered in blood and sorrow protect the light of life that he has finally obtained?!
Author: Asano Inio
Status: Completed
Large mysterious alien ships have been looming above Japanese towns for three years, filling the sky. Everything changed three years ago. And yet, nothing has changed.No weapon used against the invaders' ships had any success, beyond destroying part of Japan and leaving its economy in shambles. JSDF is fighting a guerrilla battle against the aliens all over Japan. America is joining the 'war' effort with more aggressive tactics, dividing Japan over the pacifist principle laid out in Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. But this may just be the mundane story of young high schoolers."No matter what happens, I won't back down.At least not until this world filled with lies and deceit crumbles away. The real threat to humankind is not invaders, but me."
Author: Tonogai Yoshiki
Status: Completed
From Yen Press:A Japanese cell phone game called Rabbit Doubt has gone viral in Tokyo. In it, players are rabbits who must do everything in their power to uncover the wolf in rabbits clothing before it kills them off. The wolf, a randomly selected player, must use his wiles to create mistrust among the rabbits and knock his adversaries off one by one. When five fans of this game decide to meet offline for fun, the last thing they expect is to lose consciousness and wake up trapped in an abandoned building with a corpse strung up in front of them, a mysterious barcode tattooed on each of their bodies. Will the virtual friends be able to pull it together in the real world and figure out whats going on in time to avoid ending up the wolfs dinner?