Cover of The Gunner's Life of a Middle-aged Man Summoned to Another World and Armed With a Rifle

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The Gunner's Life of a Middle-aged Man Summoned to Another World and Armed With a Rifle

異世界召喚おじさんの銃無双ライフ 〜サバゲー好きサラリーマンは会社終わりに異世界へ直帰する〜 ; Isekai Shoukan Oji-san no Juumusou Life - Sabage Suki Salaryman wa Kaisha Owari ni Isekai e Chokki suru ; Isekai Shokan Ojisan No Ju Muso Life Sabage Suki Salary Man Ha Kaisha Owari Ni Isekai He Chokuki Suru ; The gunner's life of a middle-aged man summoned to another world and armed with a rifle: an airsoft addicted salaryman returns to the alternative world after work. ; Призванный в потусторонний мир дядя - живёт оружейным воином
Author: Morio Masahiro

The middle-aged man and airsoft enthusiast Daisuke Koga is summoned to a different world on his 40th birthday. Given the ability to turn airsoft guns into real guns, Daisuke must save the other world while traveling back and forth between reality and the fantasy world. Alongside female swordsman Rena, Daisuke becomes the only gun user and dominates in the fantasy world after work!



Last Updated

4 days ago
